Friday, November 29, 2019

Budget of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) free essay sample

Federal budget process applied to EPA. Proposed 1997 budget, focusing on need for cost of toxic site cleanup, liability, remediation decisions, impact of budgetary constraints. This research analyzes the federal budget process as that process applies to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The findings of this analysis are presented within the contexts of (1) functional identification, (2) the proposed budget for the 1997 fiscal year, (3) change in budget and budget debate issues, and (4) budgetary implications. Functional Identification The EPA is charged with implementing federal environmental protection laws, and the agency is charged with monitoring activity and enforcing compliance with those laws. National polls consistently reflect strong and widespread support for the environment.

Monday, November 25, 2019

DBQ ESSAY essays

DBQ ESSAY essays Children in society today, as many centuries ago, are shaped by the opinions thrust forth upon them by the adults they live alongside. Experiences of most children in the 16th through 18th centuries were shaped by the differing and continuous views of the adults they were living with in their certain time periods. Adult views and their subsequent effects on children were all changing in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. In the sixteenth century adults had a pessimistic view of children, and therefore treated them harshly, while expecting many things out of them. Robert Clever, a Calvinist, whom was influenced by his religon concerning how children should be treated, points out that children are born with a wrong doing heart and are drawn towards evil (1). This man, of the upper class points out the lack of trust between the adult and the child, and how children need to be shown to be good via education, but that until then the child is evil. Lady Jane Grey recalls upon her experiences in the 1530s as having to be perfect around adults and having to do things to the utmost standards, or else she would have physical punishment inflicted upon her. This shows all that was expected of children and the consequences of their failure to achieve this ideal set forth by the adults. Lastly, in the sixteenth centuries, the pessimistic view of children resulted in their harsh treatment because, as Bartholo mew Batty pointed out in 1581 how parents beat their children, inflicting discipline in violent ways, which shows the violent and harsh disciplinary actions put forth on the children during this time. Because of the negative thought towards children in the sixteenth century, they were treated violently and punished harshly. In the seventeenth century, more positive adult views towards children at the time emerged, and less seemed to be expected of children, as they were given more room for error ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discuss the effect of tourism on Portsmouth's Economy Essay

Discuss the effect of tourism on Portsmouth's Economy - Essay Example The large shopping areas in Portsmouth include the Ocean Retail Park on the North-Eastern side of Portsmouth. There are large shopping areas which incorporate tourists in large sections and also provide attractive facilities to the tourists. Effect of tourism on Portsmouth’s Economy The city of Portsmouth witnessed a high number of 638000 staying trips made by the tourists in 2010. This shows the huge volume of tourism in the city of Portsmouth out of which 547000 trips were made by the domestic tourists of Portsmouth and 91000 staying trips were by the overseas tourists. The increasing number of tourists in the city of Portsmouth could be attributed to the major attractions of the city in welcoming tourists to visit the place. The tourists visit Portsmouth in order to enjoy the naval history of the place. The increase in tourism resulted in the rise of inflow of tourists for visiting the D-Day Museum, the Royal Naval Museum, etc. The increasing number of tourists visiting Por tsmouth has impacted the economy of Portsmouth in several ways in the positive direction which has been explained as follows. Due to the increase in the number of tourists in Portsmouth, the level of spending in the economy increased. The tourists brought in huge funds for spending in Portsmouth. These funds were spent for meeting the expenses of tourism, day trips, night trips, accommodation in Portsmouth, food and shopping, etc. The visitors staying in Portsmouth have spent a total of 130.6 million pound sterling during their trips in 2010. This is an increase of the funds spent through tourism activities by 4.1% as compared to 2008. The day trips made to the Gunwharf Quay increased by 5.5% in 2010 as compared to the footfall in 2008. This generated an additional expenditure of 8% in 2010 as compared to the figures of 2008 amounting to 269.9 million pound sterling. The increasing expenditure by the tourists was due to the increasing demand from the tourists in consuming essential and luxury products during their trips to Portsmouth. The high amount of funds spent by the visitors led to the injection of additional liquidity in the economy of Portsmouth. The increase in the liquidity led to the rise in the income level of population as compared to the earlier years. The people of Portsmouth experienced a rise in their purchasing power and the potential to invest more in the economic and commercial activities. This led to the changes in the style of livelihood and the people began to open up in terms of their spending limits by accepting the forces of change. The activities of tourism result in the exchange of culture between the city of Portsmouth and the other cities as well as the overseas culture. The habits of the domestic people also started to undergo changes due to the flourishing industry of tourism. Overall, there was a trend of development in the livelihood of the people of Portsmouth due to the economic advancements on account of the increasing acti vities of tourism over the last decade. The developments of tourism industry in Portsmouth and the rise in the income level of the local population of due to the development of tourism in the economy resulted in the increase of purchasing power of the people. The increasing dema

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Compare and contrast - Essay Example Intellectual capacity and level of known how is basically determined by a country’s level of technology and the percentage of skilled human resources present. In this piece of writing, we explore on the comparison and contrast between studying in the US and Indonesia. The US is far much developed in terms of infrastructure and economic actors compared to Indonesia. The US government has invested much on education and research. For instance, the government has established numerous research centers, libraries and bookshops across the US (Brunsma, 2004).In addition, the US government has established several institutions for higher learning across the country. In fact, every state has enough learning institutions and facilities, from primary to tertiary education. In essence, Access to learning materials and resources has been made easier. On the contrary, the Indonesian education system has been ranked among the worst in the world. The learning infrastructure and resources are limited in Indonesia. The number of public libraries and research centers are fewer compared to those in the US. The number of institutions for higher learning are much less compared those in the US. In fact, it is only a few students in Indonesia who secure places in the avai lable institutions of higher learning. Conducting research in Indonesia is harder than doing it in the US since the available research tools are limited and of low quality. In the US, the quality of teaching staff is incomparable with that of Indonesia. Most institutions for higher learning in the US hire experienced and top quality teaching staff. In fact, for one to qualify to teach in any US institution, he/she must portray an outstanding academic background and tremendous achievement in the education career. In addition, the education system in US requires tutors or lectures to be specialists in the areas that they teach. The ratio of tutor to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Solutions to Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Solutions to Stress - Essay Example Some people develop socio-psychological problems, resulting in low confidence and low adjustment within the given paradigm. Thus, ‘stress’ is the emotional instability in the face of adverse situations. Stress can be broadly defined as ‘the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them’ (HSE, 2001). The more contemporary and scientifically accepted definition recognizes stress as the ‘perceived pressure that exceeds one’s ability to cope’ within the pre-defined socio-psychological parameters (Palmer, Cooper & Thomas, 2006). The cognitive reality of stress has different level of adjustment and therefore, stress level of every person is different. Stress is often perceived as an act of defense against an imagined or actual injustice or threat or it may be an expression of frustration for one’s own inability to face certain situations of life in a manner that would effectively alleviate pain. The diversity of reasons may be attributed to stress that may result in harming others or oneself because a person loses his ability of objectivity and rationale when he or she is under stress. Hence, stress is not good for our welfare and needs to be rationalized to find its root cause and thereby find best measures to control it. The psychological well being is important part of healthy life. Life is not a smooth road and the various obstacles in one’s life may or may not become countless reasons for people to have emotional stress. The traumatic events, the unexpected changes in our personal and professional life or even small things that may not be to our liking may constitute reasons for stress. Insecurities in life may also become key factors for stress. Sometimes, the reason cannot be attributed to one single entity but may be a result of accumulated events or adverse situations that could have reached the limit of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Literature Review on Metamaterial

Literature Review on Metamaterial LITERATURE REVIEW ON METAMATERIAL The Left-Handed Metamaterial (LHM) has a few unique properties such as negative refraction and backward wave. In this chapter, the basic theories behind their unique properties are presented and some applications of LHM toward the antenna application are discussed. DEFINITION BACKGROUND OF LEFT-HANDED METAMATERIAL Electromagnetic Metamaterial can be defined as artificial effective homogenous electromagnetic structures with unusual properties not readily found in nature . A Left-Handed Metamaterial (LHM) [17][18]or Double Negative Metamaterial (DNG) is an electromagnetic Metamaterial that exhibit negative permittivity and permeability. This phenomenon can be characterized by the negative refraction index and the anti-parallel phase velocity which is also known as backward wave. HISTORY OF LEFT-HANDED METAMATERIAL (LHM) The initial work on LHM was started by V. G. Veselago from the Lebedjev Physical Institute in Moscow when he made a theoretical speculation of this artificial material that exhibit negative permittivity and negative permeability. Veselago speculation remain silent for 29 years until 1996, J. B. Pendry from Imperial College London and his co-author form GEC-Marconi published a paper about artificial metallic construction which exhibit negative permittivity and negative permeability. Following this interesting discovery, in 2001, the first experimental verification was made by Shelby, Smith and Schultz at the University of California. The left handed material structure consists of split ring resonator and thin wire inspired by J. B. Pendry as shown in figure 3.1. Figure 3.1: First experimental LHM structure Since the introduction of LHM twelve years ago, many researchers were interested in investigating this artificial material and several of them was using LHM to improve the properties of the microwave devices such as antennas and filters. Many papers have been published regarding the LHM integrated with antennas and their properties have been analyzed. The focusing affect of LHM has made a low gain antenna becomes directive and have an increment of gain. FEATURES OF METAMATERIAL Improvement in the performance of a small monopole antenna, realized via the use of an ENG envelope that compensates for its high capacitive reactance. Lens effect produced by DNG slabs that are useful for enhancing the directivities of a small antennas, e.g. dipole and Microstrip patches, by collimating the cylindrical waves emanating from these antennas and focusing them at infinity. Creation of super lenses which can have a spatial resolution below that of the wavelength. UNIQUE PROPERTIES OF LEFT-HANDED METAMATERIALS Negative Refractive Index: For conventional material with à °Ã‚ Ã…“â‚ ¬r > 0 and à °Ã‚ Ã…“†¡r > 0, the refractive index is givenà °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ º=√à °Ã‚ Ã…“†¡Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ… ¸Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã…“â‚ ¬Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ… ¸, so that the conventional material possesses a positive refractive index. Yet, Left-handed Meta-material has both negative permittivity (à °Ã‚ Ã…“â‚ ¬r à °Ã‚ Ã…“† r à °Ã‚ Ã…“† The Snells law is described as ..3.3.1(a) Where à °Ã‚ Ã…“Æ’2 the incident is angle and à °Ã‚ Ã…“Æ’1 is the refraction angle. Supposing medium I and medium II are conventional materials with à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ º1>0 and à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ º2>0 respectively, them refracted light will be bent with positive ÃŽ ¼ with the normal line OO as indicated by the 4th light ray in figure3.2. If medium II is a left-handed meta-material with à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ º2 Figure 3.2 Passage of a light ray through the boundary between medium I with positive refractive index à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã‚ Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã… ¸Ã‚ >0 and medium II with refractive index à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã‚ Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã… ¸Ã‚ . The phase velocity expression à °Ã‚ Ã…“-à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ =à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ º à °Ã‚ Ã…“† shows that the phase velocity à °Ã‚ Ã…“-à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚  is related to the index of refraction , here c denotes the speed of light in a vacuum. For LHM has negative refractive index (à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ º à °Ã‚ Ã…“† Figure 3.3: The energy flow and group velocity propagate forward in LHMs but the phase velocity is backward Veselago also predicted that the Doppler and Cerenkov effects will be reversed in LHM. An approaching source will appear to radiate at a lower frequency and charged particles moving faster than the speed of light in the medium will radiate in a backward cone, not a forward cone. These two exotic properties are not employed in this Dissertation, however details about them can be found in. LEFT-HANDED METAMATERIAL STRUCTURE The first LHM structure consists of split ring resonator (SRR) and thin wire (TW) or capacitance loaded strip (CLS)[19]. The SRR exhibits the negative value of permeability and the CLS and TW exhibit the negative value of permittivity in a certain range of frequency. Split Ring Resonator (SRR) (b) Figure 3.4: (a) Circular split ring resonator and (b) Square split ring resonator A split ring resonator (SRR) as shown in figure3.4 is part of the LHM structure that exhibit negative value of permeability. If the excitation of the magnetic field is perpendicular to plane of the structure, this will generate the magnetic dipole moment. The SRR is a highly conductive structure in which the capacitance between the two rings balances its inductance . The SRR induces high current density structure which creates a large magnetic moment. Capacitance Loaded Strip (CLS) and Thin Wire (TW) (a) (b) Figure 3.5: (a) Capacitance loaded strip (CLS) and (b) Thin wire (TW) figure 3.5(a) shows the capacitance loaded strip (CLS) and figure 3.5(b) shows the thin wire (TW). CLS and TW would produce strong dielectric like response. As electric field propagates parallel through the TW or CLS, it will induce a current along them. This will generate an electric dipole moment to the structure and exhibit a plasmonic-type of permittivity frequency . CST SOFTWARE CST was founded in 1992 byThomas Weiland. The main product of CST is CST STUDIO SUITE,which comprises A various modules dedicated to specific application areas. There are modules for microwave RF applications, summarized in CST MICROWAVE STUDIO, low frequency (CST EM STUDIO), PCBs and packages (CST PCB STUDIO), cable harnesses (CST CABLE STUDIO), temperature and mechanical stress (CST MPHYSICS STUDIO) and for the simulation of the interaction of charged particles and electromagnetic fields (CST PARTICLE STUDIO). All modules are integrated with a system and circuit simulator (CST DESIGN STUDIO). The version is CST Microwave Studio 2010. Figure 3.6 CST Microwave Studio In next chapter, the design of the LHM is discussed and the procedure in the simulation of the LHM using CST software is elaborated thoroughly. Besides that, the design of the Metamaterial structures, patch Microstrip antennas are also elaborated. CST Microwave Studio is a fully featured software package for electromagnetic analysis and design in the high frequency range. It simplifies the process of inputting the structure by providing a powerful solid modeling front-end which is based on the ACIS modeling kernel. Strong graphic feedback simplifies the definition of Your device even further. After the component has been modeled, a fully automatic meshing procedure (based on an expert system) is applied before the simulation engine is started. The simulators feature the Perfect Boundary Approximation (PBAâ„ ¢ method) and its Thin Sheet Technique (TSTâ„ ¢) extension, which increases the accuracy of the simulation by an order of magnitude in comparison to conventional simulators. Since no method works equally well in all application domains, the software contains four different simulation techniques (Transient solver, Frequency domain solver, Eigenmode solver, Modal analysis solver) which best fit their particular applicat ions. The most flexible tool is the transient solver, which can obtain the entire broadband frequency behavior of the simulated device from only one calculation run (in contrast to the frequency stepping approach of many other simulators). This solver is very efficient for most kinds of high frequency applications such as connectors, transmission lines, filters, antennas and many more.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

American Citizenship and Immigration Essay -- Immigration Citizenship

Today the Society is split into three separately minded groups. In no specific ordering, the first is determined to believe that any one person born in the United States is a citizen and which means their parents should become citizens along with them. These are the ones whom obtain â€Å"birthright citizenship† (Raul). The second are firm believers in the only ones that should be citizens are the ones who go through the proper process of becoming a citizen and according to the article in â€Å"USA today,† it states that illegal immigrants are â€Å"having babies as a way to obtain citizenship,† which too many Americans â€Å"cheapens the whole idea of being American†. The last group is the â€Å"other† the ones whom are completely neutral or believe in the beliefs of the first or second group but not down to the word. Possible if they believe the child should get birthrights but not the parents, only the child and mother should get them, or if the y believe that they should get them but still have to work through the proper process to receive them to their full extent. The effects that â€Å"anchor babies† have on society are characterized by how it has changed, how it is misinterpreted, what it takes away from the citizens today, how the supreme court is responding to the effect, and how we as United State citizens can change the outcome of the effect. â€Å"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States† is part of section one of â€Å"the 14th Amendment†(Walpin). The amendment was adopted in the United States in eighteen sixty-eight. When this was first adopted, according to the fourteenth amendment website, it was done so during â€Å"Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to Africa... ..."The Debate Over 'Anchor Babies' And Citizenship." Talk of the Nation (NPR) (n.d.): Newspaper Source. EBSCO. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. . Raul, Reyes. "Not very American: 'Illegal by birth'." USA Today n.d.: Middle Search Plus. EBSCO. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. . Walpin, Gerald. SPECIAL TO THE WASHINTON TIMES. â€Å"14th Amendment neer meant for illegals.† Washington Times, The (DC) (2010): 1. Newspaper Source. EBSCO. Web 10 Nov. 2010. THE WASHINGTON, TIMES. "Anchor babies away." Washington Times, The (DC) (2010): 2. Newspaper Source. EBSCO. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. 04610016&site=src-live&scope=site.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Psychologists and Psychiatrist

Psychology is a fascinating subject that carries a lot room for interpretation. Psychology being a relatively new scientific arena continues to grow due to exploring of experts into studies of the mind and behaviors directed by the brain. Psychologists and Psychiatrist continue to discover new methods of therapy to treat psychological disorders. Cognitive therapy is the fastest growing and most extensively studied form of psychotherapy in America. † Cognitive therapy emphasis focuses on present thinking problems.The website I chose is: www. nytimes. com/library/national/science/health/011100hth-behavior-beck. html. I chose this website because it contains an article about Dr. Aaron Beck, who is the founder of cognitive therapy. Dr. Beck’s perception of psychological difficulties lies within â€Å"thinking problems. † Unlike behavioristic, psychoanalytic, humanistic, and trait theorists, cognitive theorists believe that psychological problems lie within current tho ughts. Disorders are a result of a patients desire to relish in self-deprecating thoughts.This article explains how Dr. Beck discovered cognitive therapy and decided to leave Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic approach behind. Dr. Beck attended the Philadelphia institute in 1958. There he begin to conquer his fears of blood and pain due to a staph infection from surgery on his broken arm developed due to his mothers overprotective behavior which caused him to restrict his activities as he also developed a phobia of getting hurt. Dr. Beck conquered his fears by teaching himself to recondition his thoughts.Dr. Beck’s cognitive therapy intent is to correct distorted thinking patterns by challenging patients to explore positive and beneficial thoughts. â€Å"He encourages patients to test their perceptions of themselves and others, as if they were scientists testing hypotheses. † The idea of cognitive therapy is to help patients to first realize their how their thoughts can be self-deprecating and then he aims to condition their present thoughts to new thinking. Dr. Beck is methodical about his cognitive therapy. First Dr.Beck listens to the patient and then he asks questions to help them conquer irrational thinking. There are some behaviorist psychologists who appose Dr. Beck’s cognitive theory. These critics feel that thought can not be measured objectively. One Dr. Klein’s position is that cognitive therapy is just a morale booster, and not the therapeutic solutions it promises. My overall evaluation of this website is how well rounded the information covered the subject. It provided an in depth analysis of the cognitive theory; how it was conceived, who will benefit most from it, and the methodology used.I find it fascinating that a person can perform psych therapy on themselves just by simple reconditioning their thoughts. Sometimes I find myself obsessing over small things, and now I can practice to condition myself to refrain from obsessive thoughts. I would really like to learn more about the methodology used to treat cognitively and more details about the results shown with patients. I plan on conducting more research on cognitive theory to find other cognitive theorists and their methodologies.This article has taught me more about myself and how I can improve my relationships by positive thinking. This article has shown me how to identify certain thoughts that I would prefer to refrain from thinking, and how to correct them. | Definitions Deprecate means to deplore something, depreciate means to belittle something or to treat it as unimportant. However, self-deprecating, in the sense ‘disparaging oneself', ‘modestly understating one's own abilities' has become firmly established, although some people deprecate this usage.Berate to rebuke or scold angrily and at length. Prosaic commonplace or dull; unimaginative Precept a commandment or direction given as a rule of action or conduct, an inj unction as to moral conduct Pragmatist a person who is oriented toward the success or failure of a particular line of action, thought, etc Works Cited Goode, E. â€Å"A Pragmatic Man and His No-Nonsense Therapy. † www. nytimes. com/library/national/science/health/011100hth-behavior-beck. html 11 Jan. 2000.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My Life Goals Essay Example

My Life Goals Essay Example My Life Goals Essay My Life Goals Essay My Life goals Now that I’m in college I need to plan what I want in life I have to start researching for a career that I like best I need to set some goals. My life goals are to be a good student, have a 3. 0 GPA, have time to do my homework, study, spend some time with my family and friends, graduate from a community college, transfer to UTA, get my masters degree there and face new challenges that come my way. Volunteer work is also something I enjoy doing. I love helping other people in need when they don’t expect me to help them. My first goal is to have a 3. 0 GPA. This goal is important to me because I want to make myself stand out to colleges and make myself more attractable. So far, in completing this, I have tried to turn in every assignment that my professors are giving me and doing extra credit homework to help boost my GPA a little higher. I am also working really hard in every other class to reach my goal of getting straight A’s this semester. In order to help myself make this goal a reality, I need to attend every class, keep doing my homework, and ask for help. I will also need the help of my counselor to get myself enrolled in the appropriate classes. My second goal is to attend the University of Texas at Arlington. It is important for me to attend this school because I believe it has the best nursing program here in the city. In making the completion of this goal a little easier I have researched the University’s website online to find out where the school is located, what the requirements are for admission, and how can I start preparing myself now to meet the requirements. In order to make this goal a reality, I still need to research other colleges with good nursing programs and I also need to keep the job that a have to save up money and to be ready to pay for my classes because they won’t be cheap I also need to apply for grants, scholarships, etc. My third goal is to become a nurse and a great person in life. So far, to become a nurse, I taken the most advance math and science classes I can take to become well prepared. To become a great person in life is to help people in need and make good decisions, In order to make both of these goals a reality, I have to be sure of what I want to be. I need to work really hard for me to get this career to be a reality. However I will still need the advice of my counselor to help me figure if this life work is right for me. These are my goals in life that I plan to achieve in time so far I will need the support of my family to help me make my way through college and life . As long as I have them in my life that all I will ever need. When I successfully complete these goals I will dedicate myself to help everyone who needs my assistance and in my nursing career.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The eNotes Blog Ace Your Midterms with These StudyTricks

Ace Your Midterms with These StudyTricks We’re all familiar with late-night cram sessions and all-nighters during the week of midterms. Exams and tests come one after the other, it seems, and not too long after the school year starts! Studying doesn’t have to be that stressful, though. Here are handy tricks to help you ace your midterms: Rewrite your old notes Copying your notes over again is a great way to cement information into your memory. The act of writing them out slows you down, requiring you to engage with the material in a deeper way. This works better by hand than on the computer, so keep pen and paper nearby. You could try color coding your notes as well - either the first time around or while recopying. This allows you  to work with the material visually, and it can be more fun! Draw a map or diagram Try drawing a map or diagram from your notes or from the textbook. This can help whether you consider yourself a visual learner or not, especially because it allows you to comprehend information and concepts that could be hard to describe verbally. This strategy also helps create a visual memory that you can refer back to while taking the test. Read aloud If you’re not in too quiet of a location while studying, consider reading material aloud. Similar to rewriting notes, this method has you sit with the material in a different way and strengthens connections in your brain. For a twist on this strategy, find a study buddy to explain or â€Å"teach† information to, and have them do the same for you. Use mnemonic devices Using a mnemonic device is an excellent way to secure information. Some common examples are PEMDAS for the order of math operations, or â€Å"i before e, except after c.† You can likely find already created mnemonics online that you can use, or try coming up with your own mnemonic by telling a crazy story with required information or setting concepts to a song. Take practice tests Quizzing yourself is one of the best ways to mimic a test environment. Ask your teacher what the format of the test will be, and quiz yourself using similarly formatted questions. You can often search for practice tests online or your teacher may have extra resources. If the test is timed simulate a practice test at home with time restrictions so you know what to expect the  day of the test. Move around If you’re a kinesthetic learner, try moving around while you study. Taking a walk, or even quizzing yourself while hopping on the treadmill or taking a light jog, can provide new ways to access information on the test day. For example, you can recall â€Å"the topic I studied while exercising.† Similarly, consider studying in different environments to strengthen associations your brain makes with the material. Take breaks Not surprisingly, our brains work well when they have had time to rest. Schedule regular breaks for yourself during study sessions. A walk, snack, time to stretch, and so on, are all great ways to give your mind a rest. Start studying several days ahead of time so you can take breaks without feeling like you’re wasting time! Take advantage of downtime We all have random in-between times that often aren’t good for starting a completely new activity: 5 or 10 minutes here or there waiting for the bus, sitting in a waiting room, or waiting for your take-out to arrive. Maximize your downtime by keeping flashcards on hand and flipping through them whenever you have a spare moment. There are even free apps you can download to  create your own digital flashcards and be quizzed on certain topics. Whichever method you try, keep in mind your daily habits and best times of day. Whether you’re more of a morning or night person, schedule your study sessions accordingly, with the most important subjects at your most energetic hour. To change it up, try studying with a friend or finding a study group to join as well. Good luck this midterm season! This is a guest post by guest  writer Lisa Low. Lisa is a contributing writer for Varsity Tutors, a live learning platform that connects students with personalized instruction to accelerate academic achievement.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Systemic lupus erythematosus Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Systemic lupus erythematosus - Research Paper Example Lupus can be drug induced, can occur in babies born to women who have Sjogren’s Disease or can be confined to the skin. Systemic lupus erythematosus is more widespread in that almost every part of the body can be affected. Symptoms experienced include extreme fatigue, skin rashes, weight loss and fever ( Lupus Health Centre, 2012) Kim et al ( 1999) also described respiratory distress in adults with the condition. Kimberly ( 2001, page 650) describes how both extreme hypertension and infection can be the causes of fatality in this very serious condition. The author looks at what he describes as ’research opportunities’ of different types and how these could be expected to bring about advances in treatment of the condition. This list includes such the identification of relevant genes, as well as how these become activated in early auto immune activity, causing the disease and involving both the inborn and acquired immune systems that humans have. He looks first of all at the incidence of the condition, stating that it is commoner among females as compared with males, and also that it is both commoner, and often more severe, among certain racial groups, naming both those of Hispanic origin and black people. It is stated that ( page 650) both the inflammatory and non-inflammatory damage caused to the body’s various organs, is due to the immune system and its pathogenic role in SLE. He looks forward a long way, believing that the next quarter of a century will bring about great advances in both understanding and the management of the condition. He sees this as moving towards a prevention of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. ( SLE). Antigens are provoked into action and these in their turn incite other antigens, and so the disease spreads through the victim’s body. The author describes current methods of management including the use of non –steroid anti- inflammatory drugs , as well as ones originally developed in

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 46

Reaction paper - Essay Example They had cultural loyalty and were considered as underclass (Gonzalez 98). Puerto Ricans, on the other hand, went mainstream. They fully assimilated into the Central American culture. However, they were also considered as underclass. The government policies in Central America made it easy for the Puerto Ricans to adapt to their culture since they were their protectorate (Gonzalez 114). However, the policies in the Caribbean were much harder for them to adapt because of harsh government policies. The population profile and community structure of the Caribbean population was that they lived in isolation. This is due to the fact that they chose to remain loyal to their culture (Gonzalez 116). The population profile and community structure of the Central American population was that they lived in harmony. The reception of the Caribbean migration made them economically marginalized and politically disenfranchised. They were also considered as underclass individuals, who did everything that the underclass did (Gonzalez 120). The Puerto Ricans maintained their class since the United States declared them a protectorate, unlike the Caribbean population who where detached from the labor